We hopen dat jullie allemaal in goede gezondheid verkeren. Het coronavirus raakt ons allemaal en ook in Indonesië groeit het aantal...
Girlstalk about Menstrual Cup
Yesterday, the teenage class at our learning center was quiet because only a few students came. The rest had a scout activity to attend....
The new garden and kitchen at the learning centre
In september 2018 we held a sponsorrun of 16 km from Amsterdam to Zaandam in the Netherlands to fund a eco garden and new kitchen...
Isabelle tells us more about her research on diabetes
Hello everyone my name is Isabelle. I am studying Health Sciences at the University of Twente in Enschede The Netherlands and at this...
Act to Care of the environment at our learning center
Bali is well-known for its beautiful scenery and natural landscape but that beauty has been polluted by plastic trashes. You'll find...
Mind your plastic trash when visiting Bali!
Too bad... Bali is well-known for its beautiful scenery and natural landscape but that beauty has been polluted by plastic trashes....
6 redenen waarom je Team YEAH moet sponsoren
Op 23 september lopen we met team YEAH van Amsterdam naar Zaandam om geld op te halen voor Stichting Youth Education and Health. De...
Part 4. Getting to Know the English Teacher of the “Eka Chita Prandyan” YEAH foundation
My special moments at the foundation were spending the Indonesian Independence day with the Portuguese volunteers. We went to the paddy...
Corina over project Early bird met OBS de Vogelaar te Genemuiden
Mijn naam is Corina Brink en ik ben, al zo’n 20 jaar, leerkracht op OBS de Vogelaar te Genemuiden. Momenteel in groep 7/8, maar ik heb...