Isabelle tells us more about her research on diabetes

Hello everyone my name is Isabelle. I am studying Health Sciences at the University of Twente in Enschede The Netherlands and at this moment I'm at the Samsaman learning center; Yayasan Eka Ekita Pradyan in Bali Indonesia, for my Minor Crossing Borders. I will stay untill the end of January. During my stay I will give English lessons to the children here and hope to improve their chance of a better future. Besides teaching English to the children I am also going to do a research about diabetes. Especially regarding the possible need for education about diabetes. Unfortunately many people in Indonesia have diabetes, 6% of all deaths in Indonesia is because of Diabetes and this number is still rising. Most important reasons of the growing number are; lack of awareness and lack of resources. So, I think it is possible to reduce the people with diabetes in Indonesia. Do you want to know more about my research or do you want to follow all the steps of my research? Stay in touch with the YEAH Indonesia site. There will be more blogs to come about the research and also about my Bali adventure. You can also follow my trip on Polarsteps; isabelleheij.
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