Part 4. Getting to Know the English Teacher of the “Eka Chita Prandyan” YEAH foundation
My special moments at the foundation were spending the Indonesian Independence day with the Portuguese volunteers. We went to the paddy...
Part 3. Getting to Know the English Teacher of the “Eka Chita Prandyan” YEAH foundation
When volunteers come to the foundation, I usually explain about the groups and the class schedule. Different groups come to the class on...
Part 2. Getting to Know the English Teacher of the “Eka Chita Prandyan” YEAH foundation
I started working as an English teacher soon after applying. It was on the 15th of February 2017 as my first time teaching English at the...
Part 1. Getting to Know the English Teacher of the “Eka Chita Prandyan” YEAH foundation
Intan is de lokale docent. Zij werkt samen met de vrijwilligers aan het lesprogramma. Dit doet ze vol enthousiasme en met veel leuke...
Interview Ibu Ketut
Sinds 2008 is Ibu Ketut betrokken bij de stichting ondertussen is zij de lokale manager. Een rol die zij erg succesvol en met veel...
Interview Trudy van der Maden
In 2007 stichtte Trudy van der Maden Stichting Indonesië 2007, inmiddels bekend onder de naam YEAH Foundation, op. Wij zijn erg benieuwd...